Silver Tears

Band Members :
Bibhash Buragohain - Vocals
  Ishan Das - Guitars
Rahul Putai - Bass
Raktim Mahanta - Synths
Nawaz Hussain - Drums

Silver Tears is a Progressive Metal band from Guwahati (now based in Mumbai). Silver Tears have arrived and are poised to be part of the cookie called NWOIHM. In a time when majority of National bands are too self-involved to create music that anyone can relate to, it’s a welcome change that Silver Tears don’t take themselves too seriously and are clearly having fun whilst still developing their sound. ‘Dirt beyond Beauty’ released in the early part of this year showcases their ability to create sing-along moments, likely to find favour mostly with teenage rebels attempting to annoy their parents.

EP 'Dirt Beyond Beauty' 2010 Track List :

1. Dirt Beyond Beauty  YouTube
2. Euphonious Odyssey
3. Deep Within
4. Drifter

Download The Album

EP 'Ensnared' 2011 Track List :
[Ensnared is a collection of re-recorded tunes with new vocalist from their debut EP – Dirt beyond Beauty]

1. Dirt Beyond Beauty  YouTube
2. Euphonious Odyssey  YouTube 
3. Drifter  YouTube 

Download The Album

Single Track List :

1. All Day
2. Night Shift At The Graveyard
3. Dawnbringer
4. Scarface
5. New Day  Video  
6. Miseries

Click Here To Listen/Download The Tracks
Other Link :   Link 1  Link 2

1 comment:

  1. sir we want to connect to silver tears .....for their presence in the annual cultural fest of our college..indian school of mines..dhanbad.. the cultural fest being srijan...pls do reply...
