We Are The Scene Vol. I

We Are The Scene Vol. I was released in 2004 by ennui.bomb with support of ThroatLatch Records, RSJ, Gigpad, one rocking club Razzberry Rhinoceros of Mumbai and all the 14 bands. This album consist of 14 tracks, which is a big achievement for the Indian Underground. 

Track List:

1.  The Salvation Crusade - Living On
2. The Limit Breaks - Where I Rule
3. Tripwire - Norm The Guy Is Cool
4. Kolorfools - Woman Alone
5. Rainvan - Crucified Hopes  YouTube 
6. Teenage Angst - Money Flavored Alcohol  Mp3 
7. Frostwork - Evil Under The Sun  Mp3 
8. Xenon - Departure  Mp3 YouTube 
9. Devoid - The Obsolete
10. Vishnu - Desert Storm  YouTube 
11. Shrapnel - Intellectual Pursuit
12. Reptilian Death - Bathed In Blood
13. Exhumation - Among The Dead
14. Bhayanak Maut - First Morning Void

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